Half an Airplane

Half an airplane is a heck of thing to have at 30,000 feet
It doesn't feel so neat
Half an airplane is a heck of thing to have at 30,000 feet
It doesn't feel so neat

It's funny how it all unraveled at just the wrong time
It flew apart and left wm with nothing but blue sky

Half an airplane is a heck of thing to have at 30,000 feet
It doesn't feel so neat
Half an airplane is a heck of thing to have at 30,000 feet
It doesn't feel so neat
Half an airplane is a heck of thing to have at 30,000 feet
It doesn't feel so neat
Half an airplane is a heck of thing to have at 30,000 feet
It doesn't feel so neat

So much useless invention all around
So many good intentions scattered on the ground

Half an airplane is a heck of thing to have at 30,000 feet
Half and airplane is no good
It doesn't feel so neat
Half a plane, half and airplane no
It's no good, it's no good no, no